The Future of Smart Wheelchair Controllers

Numotion is the first U.S. distributor of NOW Technologies’ award-winning products, which utilize Bluetooth and gyroscopes to create the smoothest, most intuitive proportional head control available.  The Gyroset Glory™ and Gyroset Vigo™ offer power wheelchair users a 21st century alternative to switch-controlled head arrays and other alternative drive controls.
The small, lightweight devices resemble a mobile phone headset that turns the user’s head into a virtual joystick. Companion products also create streamlined, simple controls for chair tilt and recline, allowing users to easily shift their weight and relieve pressure.
The Glory and Vigo are innovative options for users who would normally utilize a switch-based head array, sip-n-puff, chin control or other alternative drive controls.


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Sleek Design
Inconspicuous design provides users with a head control system that looks like a standard phone headset.
Light Weight
Comfortable for all-day use at only 17 grams.

Functionality Functionality

Bluetooth technology frees the user of bulky head control equipment without the use of cords or switches.
Works with every major power wheelchair control system on the market.

Mobility Mobility

Proportional Control
Incredibly smooth, truly proportional head control that functions far better than typical head array systems.
Adjust nearly every setting for each individual’s needs including head angles, motion sensitivity and emergency stop parameters.

Medical Necessity


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