Dan is a Charleston resident, life-long sailor and skier, and ALS Survivor. He is a husband and father to three boys in their twenties.
Dan was diagnosed with motor neuron disease (MND) in March of 2018 and ALS in June of 2018. “I stepped away from my work as an executive in the aerospace and defense industry the day after my diagnosis to focus my time with family and friends. We traveled extensively in 2018,” said Dan. By the end of 2018, he was beginning to use his power chair, and by March of 2019, he became fully dependent on his power chair.
Dan and his family have followed Steve Gleason’s story closely. After watching Steve receive the Congressional Gold Medal he and his wife commented to each other that it looked like Steve was driving his chair with his eyes. “I discovered the link to the Ability Drive almost at almost the exact moment that my Numotion ATP, Andrew, arrived to do other maintenance on my chair. We asked him how we could get the eye-gaze technology and he helped us schedule a demo of the device,” said Dan.
When his in-home trial occurred Dan immediately began driving around his house with virtually no training. Now that he has driven using the Ability Drive more, Dan has found that he can maneuver nearly as precisely as he could with his joystick.
Dan and his family expressed their gratefulness for ATP Andrew, saying, “Andrew is one of the most valuable people on my care team. He not only provides exceptional support for my power chair, but he is always alert to other needs I have. He works closely with the local ALS Association and has facilitated matching me with loaner closet equipment that has helped me a lot.”
“I have not had my Ability Drive very long, but I have received several visitors with it, and already find that I have more freedom to interact independently in groups. I have gone for walks outside with my wife, and I look forward to getting out of the house regularly again with her. Most significantly, my renewed independent mobility has motivated me to take a trip to Florida with my family where I plan to go sailing again and visit another PALS that I have been corresponding with,” said Dan.