Seth was born twenty-three years ago during the Nashville Blizzard of 1996. Due to complications at birth, he was born not breathing and with no heartbeat. Physicians brought him back to life thirty minutes later but as a result of the lack of oxygen to his brain during that time, Seth was diagnosed with cerebral palsy.  

Seth has been a Numotion customer since he was three years old and said it has been absolutely wonderful working with his Numotion team. “I received my first wheelchair when I was three and my first power chair in kindergarten. I have worked with the same team, Pete and Brian since I was five years old. Everyone at Numotion has always been extremely helpful and has gone above and beyond to make sure I have what I need” said Seth.

Seth enjoys traveling and has visited fifteen states and cities including, New York City, Chicago and Niagara Falls. He also enjoys relaxing at the beach and is a big Alabama fan. (“Roll Tide!”)

With the help of his mobility technology, he has been able to attend sporting events and concerts but his most recent accomplishment is graduating from college. Seth is a recent graduate from Lipscomb University in Nashville, Tennessee with a major in Theology and Bible Studies. Seth plans to continue his education by attending Seminary in the fall and would like to pursue a career in missions.

“My wheelchair allows me to do some of the physical things I cannot do myself,” said Seth. “Without it, I would not even be able to sit independently. I have been able to do all of my school work on my own by using a computer and sitting in my wheelchair. It really is the KEY to my independence.”