Joe is a twenty-three-year-old senior in college who is hoping to work in film and television production. He enjoys movies, sports, and long walks with his dog Winifred. To keep busy during the pandemic, Joe has worked at his local beach as a guard gate and loves being outside helping his community. 

In 2015, Joe was injured during the summer before his senior year in high school. He dove into the Connecticut Sound thinking it was high tide but unfortunately it was low, he hit a large rock crushing his C4/C5 vertebrae.
Immediately following his injury, Joe went to Craig Hospital in Denver and it was there that he was first fitted for life in a wheelchair chair.
“Numotion provided expertise in fitting and instruction. They were so positive and patient during the initial process,” said Megan, Joe’s mom. “Since then we have returned home to Connecticut and the Numotion team in Rocky Hill has provided outstanding service to Joe.”
Aubrey is Joe’s service coordinator, she and the service team in Rocky Hill assist in any way to get Joe’s repairs done efficiently. “The service crew in Rocky Hill is our lifeline to living our best life! Joe’s chair allows him to have a great life. He spent last summer in NYC able to go everywhere because of his chair,” said Megan. “We cannot thank Numotion and the incredible staff enough for providing a lifeline to independence!”