Avery Joy is 4 years old and from Mangham, Louisiana. She was diagnosed with Adenlysuccinate Lyase Deficiency, a metabolic, genetic disorder when she was 8 months old. She developed epilepsy at 3 months old and continues to have almost daily seizures.
Avery Joy loves spending time with her family and her favorite thing to do is to go on walks with them every night. She loves music and dancing and is in her second year of taking dance classes.
With her wheelchair, Avery Joy can be by herself and dance in her wheelchair. “Because of her wheelchair she can do ballet and her favorite, tap, all on her own!  With her wheelchair, she has been able to go places and participate in things that we would never be able to take and carry ourselves. She has been in beauty pageants, advocated for patients' rights at the Louisiana capital, and is able to live her life to the fullest,” said Abbey, Avery Joy’s mom.
Avery Joy’s mom said that her experience with Numotion has been wonderful. “I had heard such amazing things about Joel Fernandes, ATP in our area of Northeast Louisiana. I wanted to try him for Avery’s second Wheelchair. The customer service was unmatched. He listened to my concerns, my ideas and gave such valuable input. He gave his expertise and showed such a kind and caring demeanor when interacting with Avery. It was truly a joy to work with someone who is so evident doing a job that is meant just for him,” said Abbey.
Despite the challenges of COVID-19, Numotion was still able to serve Avery Joy during a global pandemic with the assistance of Numotion’s COVID safety protocols. “We were able to have her fitted and have her wheelchair ordered during COVID. All of the policies in place always had us feeling safe,” said Abbey.
Avery Joy will be starting school in the fall and will be in an inclusive classroom. Avery Joy’s mom works hard to advocate that her daughter be included in all things and have the same opportunities provided to others. “I see the joy in her face when she is around her dance friends and cannot wait for her to attend school and continue to break barriers and of course, make many, many friends.”